Booking Required
Make the most of your time in Toyama by planning ahead. Many of the most popular attractions and experiences, such as the ones featured here, are best booked in advance.
Craft Workshops
Rooted in tradition yet constantly evolving, creativity and craftsmanship thrive in Toyama. Experience the prefecture's rich crafts heritage by visiting ateliers and participating in workshops where you can try you hand at typical Toyama crafts from metalworking to glassblowing.
Scenic Rides
Some of Toyama's most breathtaking views can be enjoyed from the comfort of a train carriage or the large windows of a cable car. Embark on scenic journeys through singularly spectacular destinations such as Kurobe Gorge and the North Japan Alps to experience the ephemeral beauty of Toyama through the seasons.
Sushi Restaurants
Toyama has some of the richest fishing grounds and most delicious seafood in Japan. Savor the bounties of Toyama Bay at sushi restaurants around the prefecture. Book in advance to avoid disappointment and take advantage of deals which sometimes include complimentary items.
Stylish Accommodations
From chic, renovated ateliers and exclusive one-group-only townhouses to stylish auberges and modern-Japanese hot-spring retreats, Toyama has a growing range of stylish accommodations. Make your stay extra-special at one of these accommodations, which are destinations in their own right.
Online Travel Agencies
Activities and accommodations can be booked directly, or through online travel agencies which often offer added conveniences such as search filters and price comparison features.