Etchu Owara Kaze-no-Bon(To be held in 2024) 越中八尾 おわら風の盆

Enjoy the sad Owara Dance

The Etchu Owara has been handed down over more than 300 years in this village nestling between the mountains in the southwest part of Toyama City. Both a song and a dance, it is lyrical, refined and elegantly plaintive. Several thousand paper-covered lamp stands line the old-fashioned townscape of lattice-doored old wooden houses and storehouses, as men and women dressed in happi coats and yukatas dance through the hillside village, accompanied by shamisens, kokyus (traditional Japanese string instruments) and taiko drums. You will be enchanted by the calm dreamlike atmosphere. The street performance is held in each district.

Toyama City
Festivals & Traditional Events


Address 939-2342 富山県富山市八尾町上新町2898-1
Telephone Number 076-454-5152
Fax Number 076-454-5158
Getting There 12 minutes by bus from JR Etchu-Yatsuo Station
*Free shuttle bus runs between the station and the festival area.
35 minutes by bus from Toyama Station
25 minutes by car from the Toyama Airport
Website Official homepage
Special lunch box included! Special performance viewing plan at the Yao Hikiyama Exhibition Hall
Notes ■about OWARA Kaze-no-Bon from "Travels in Toyama" (blog).


Time Presently undecided (Please wait for more information)
Venue Owara street performance: Yatsuomachi district, Toyama
Owara stage performance: Yatsuo Elementary School ground(Canceled for 2022)

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